Herbert C Hoover Building Site Visit



During the visit Industry and Analysis (I&A) staff members will offer insight to George Mason University Students regarding potential employment opportunities for aspiring professionals within our organization. The visit will cover roles crucial to I&A including: international economics, international trade specialists, business and industry analysts, and management & program analysts.

Students will have the opportunity to engage with professionals and experts in the field, gaining firsthand knowledge about the dynamic landscape of international trade and economic policies. The discussions and presentations will highlight career paths for International Economists, International Trade Specialists, Business and Industry Specialists, and Management and Program Analysts within the I&A organization. The visit will not only showcase the diverse range of roles available but also underscore the importance of analytical skills, global perspective, and strategic thinking in addressing complex issues within Global trade. Overall, the site visit will serve as a bridge between academia and real-world application, providing students with a clearer understanding of the professional opportunities awaiting them at Industry and Analysis.

Learn more and register for the event here.