Business Minor

Add a business minor to your passion and find expanded career opportunities. 

Get introduced to the skills you'll need to be successful in the rapidly evolving world of business with a business minor. 

Designed for non-business students, Mason’s business minor will help you learn the broad business essentials that will make you more employable. With a business minor, you’ll develop a foundation in the functional areas of business including accounting, finance, management, marketing, and information systems. 

Eligibility and Requirements

  • Available to undergraduate, non-business majors 
  • Requires sophomore standing 
  • Requires the successful completion of 15 credits (5 courses) with a grade of C or higher. Some of these courses are already required by other undergraduate majors at Mason and some can be used to meet Mason general education requirements. 

How to Declare a Minor 


Office of Student Success and Academic Services
Enterprise Hall, Room 008 (Lower Level)