Undergraduate Policies, Procedures, and Forms

Costello College of Business Policies for Undergraduate Students 

The Costello College of Business at George Mason University strives to maintain policies and procedures that are consistent with those of the university and in the best interest of our students. 

If you have any questions concerning a particular policy or procedure, please contact the Office of Student Success and Academic Services, Room 008 of Enterprise Hall at (703) 993-1880 for clarification, or schedule an appointment to speak with an Academic Advisor

Academic Clemency

Academic Clemency is an exception available to students who have a successful return semester after an absence from the George Mason University of at least three calendar years. Academic Clemency allows these students to request up to 16 credits of previous coursework removed from the calculation of their cumulative GPA. Please note: 

  • Grades approved for Academic Clemency will remain on the transcript, but they will not count toward the cumulative GPA. 
  • An “Academic Clemency” notation will be added to the transcript for each course grade that is approved. 

Eligibility Criteria for Students within the Costello College of Business 

To request Academic Clemency, students must meet with a Business Academic Advisor for an initial review before registering for their return semester. The request should then be submitted at the end of their return semester and will not be considered unless these criteria are met: 

  • Must have been absent from the university for at least three consecutive calendar years. 
  • Must complete at least 6 credits during the first semester back at Mason and earn a GPA of 3.0 or higher, with no grade below a “C.” 
  • A clemency petition must be submitted within 12 months of the first day of the re-enrollment term. 
  • You must be an active undergraduate student. Clemency cannot be applied retroactively to courses that count toward a completed degree. Once a student has graduated, the transcript is sealed and cannot be changed. 

Applying for Graduation

For all questions and resources about graduation ceremonies, degree conferral, and diplomas, students should visit the Graduation page on the Office of the Registrar website: [Learn more about applying for graduation]. 

Graduation is not an automatic process. Even if all degree requirements are met, students must apply to graduate through their Patriot Web account by the application deadline. If you still have courses to take during the Summer term but plan to walk in the Spring ceremony, you must apply for Summer graduation by the Spring deadline. Students must also be in good financial standing with the university to receive their diplomas. [Learn more about graduation deadlines

Costello College of Business students are advised to meet with a Business Academic Advisor for a graduation check. If a student misses the application deadline, they will need to submit a Late or Retroactive Graduation application. [Access graduation forms

Change of Final Exam

Grade changes or modifications to quizzes, tests, and midterm exams are exclusively handled by the course instructor. The Office of Student Success and Academic Services does not handle nor approve such appeals, as they pertain to classroom-based assessments. 

Final Exam Rescheduling 

University policy allows students who have more than two final exams scheduled on the same day to request to reschedule one exam with the approval of the course instructor. 

If a student needs to request a change to the date of their final exam, whether due to scheduling conflict or other extenuating circumstances, they must complete a Change of Final Exam Request form and submit it to their course instructor for review and signature at least two weeks prior to the scheduled exam date. Once signed, the completed form must be submitted to busreqst@gmu.edu for final approval. If the request is approved, it is the student's responsibility to follow the arrangements made with their course instructor for the rescheduled final exam. 

Appeals denied by the instructor should be escalated to the appropriate Area Chair for review and not to the Office of Student Success and Academic Services. 

Concentration Requirement for Costello College of Business

Admitted Costello College of Business students must declare a concentration within their first academic year at the university.

  • Students admitted as Freshmen must declare a concentration by the end of their first academic year.
  • Students admitted as Transfer must declare a concentration by the end of their first semester.

Students can choose between eight different concentrations. [Learn more about Concentration options]. Changing concentrations is a simple process that can be approved by an Advisor after the initial declaration. Students are encouraged to consult with a Business Academic Advisor regarding changes and can schedule appointments or come to drop-ins with our team of Academic Advisors. [Learn more about Undergraduate Academic Advising Services]

Deadline for Concentration Declaration

Students who do not declare concentration by the degree conferral date for the appropriate semester (first semester for Transfer, second semester for Freshmen) will receive a registration hold on their account that will prevent them making changes to their current schedule or registering for the next semester until a concentration is declared.

Current Mason students who are switching their major to the Costello College of Business must declare a concentration upon changing their major.

Credit Limit for Non-Business Majors

Enrolled undergraduate students who are not declared as a Business major are limited to a maximum of nine credits of upper-level business coursework. This limitation does not apply to students who have declared a Costello College of Business minor and are earning credits required for that minor. 

Credit Overload

The Costello College of Business recommends that undergraduate students attempt no more than 18 credits in an academic semester and no more than 14 credits in a summer term. Students wishing to exceed these limits must submit the online Credit Overload form found on the Registrar’s forms page

Requirements for Business Students to Request Credit Overload 

  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 at George Mason University 
  • Successfully completed all courses in the previous semester with no grades of F or Incomplete (IN) grades 
  • Freshmen and transfer students in their first semester are not eligible to request an overload until they have established an academic record at George Mason University. 
  • Students on Academic Warning, Probation, or Suspension are not eligible for an overload of the 13-hour limitation. 


If approved for an overload, the student is responsible for adding the additional course(s) and paying any related tuition fees by the official university deadlines. Students who are approved for credit overload acknowledge and accept that they proceed at their own risk. 

Declaring a Business Major or Minor

Declaring a Business Major

All students seeking to declare a program in Business, either major or minor, must meet with an advisor without exception. This request cannot be completed by email. 

Eligibility for Declaring a Business Major: 

  • New students (without a Mason GPA) are eligible to change their major to Business during their first semester. 
  • Current Mason students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 to switch to a Business major. 

 Declaring or Changing to a Business Major (or Second Major in Business): 

  • Meet with a Costello College of Business Academic Advisor and complete a Change/Declaration of Academic Program form. The form must be reviewed and signed by a Business Academic Advisor, who will then forward the request for processing. 
  • During the advising meeting, students will receive important information about available Business concentrations, required courses, and recommended classes for the upcoming semester. 
  • Approved Change of Major requests will be effective in the following semester if received by the Office of the Registrar by the last day to add classes for the current term. 

Changing to a Majors out of the Costello College of Business: 

  • Contact the appropriate department or advising office for the new major. 
  • Use the Advisor Locator tool to find the contact information for the relevant advisor or advising office. 
  • If undecided on a new major, students should reach out to Exploratory Academic Advising for guidance. [Learn more about Exploratory Academic Advising

Declaring a Business Minor

Students can also explore our Business Minors, each requiring the successful completion of 15 credits in designated Business courses. WeThe Costello College of Business offers 13 different minors for students to choose from. [Learn more about Business Minors]   

Process to Declare a Business Minor 

Meet with a Business Academic Advisor to complete the Minor Declaration form. The form must be reviewed and signed by a Business academic Advisor, who will then forward the request for processing. There are no eligibility requirements to declare a minor other than students must have a declared major before adding a minor.

During the advising meeting, students will receive important information about available Business concentrations, required courses, and recommended classes for the upcoming semester.  

 Deleting Part of Your Program:  

To delete a program from your academic record, submit the Delete Program Request Form available on the Registrar’s Forms page.  

Embassy and Scholarship Letters

Costello College of Business students who need a letter for submission to their embassy or scholarship must provide the following documents and information to their assigned Academic Advisor in Business: 

  1. FERPA Form: A completed FERPA form, granting consent for the release of student information to the embassy or organization receiving the letter. 

  1. Embassy Letter Request Form: This form must include the following:

    • Student Information
    • Embassy Contact Information: This must match the contact information provided on the FERPA form.

    • Details for the Letter: Specify the purpose of the letter, including one or more of the following options:

      • Online Course Permission

      • Scholarship Extension and Academic Progression

      • Change of Major/Concentration

      • Tutoring

      • Other (Please specify) 

All forms must be completed in full to ensure an accurate and timely letter. Incomplete forms will not be processed, and letters will not be issued. The processing time for embassy letters is 5-8 business days.  

Same-day processing is not available, and it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to track any deadlines or requests from their embassy. 

Force Add for Costello College of Business Courses

All force add requests for Costello College of Business courses must be submitted to busreqst@gmu.edu. Please note that College of Business instructors cannot issue course overrides. Force add requests for non-Business courses should be directed to the appropriate Mason department, as criteria vary across schools. 

Eligibility for Force Add Requests: 

Force adds are considered only for graduating seniors who meet all the following requirements: 

  • Have an active graduation application on file for the term in which the force add is requested. 

  • Be currently registered on the waitlist for the requested course. 

  • The requested course must be the student’s first attempt at the course. Requests for second or third attempts will be automatically denied. 

  • Meet all other graduation and eligibility requirements for their degree and concentration. 

  • The specific course section must be closed, with no other course options available to fulfill the requirement (including both in-person and online/asynchronous sections). 

Important Notes: 

  • Force add requests are not automatically approved. Even if all requirements are met, approval is not guaranteed. 

  • Requests due to work, medical issues, preference in course format or instructor, or other personal conflicts are not acceptable reasons for a force add. 

  • Students who have never repeated any Business course will be given priority consideration.  

  • Force add requests are not reviewed until the first week of the requested course for both Fall and Spring semesters, as well as for the various Summer Session start dates (A, B, and C). Specific courses are not guaranteed to be offered every semester, especially during the summer term. 

  • Due to the accelerated nature and limited course offerings in the Summer, force add requests are rarely approved. Students are responsible for meeting all deadlines and financial obligations. 

  • As stated above, students must be registered on the waitlist of the course in the case that they are approved for an override; if approved, the student will have a limited amount of time (48 hours) to enroll before that override would be issued to the next student on the waitlist.   

For more information on how the waitlist system works and what to do if issued a waitlist override, please refer to the Office of the Registrar’s website: Waitlist Information

Grade Appeals

While individual faculty members are considered the best judges of student performance, there may be situations where a student believes a grade has been unfairly assigned. In such cases, Costello College of Business students are encouraged to first address the issue directly with the course instructor, as they have the most knowledge of the student's work and the course context. It is advisable for students to engage in proactive communication with their professors throughout the term, rather than waiting until the end of the semester. 

Missed deadlines, exams, lack of curving, or non-use of +/- grades are not considered valid grounds for a grade appeal. 

Grade Appeal Process: 

  1. Initial Contact: Students should first discuss the grade concern directly with the course instructor. 

  1. Formal Appeal: If no resolution is reached, the student may submit a written grade appeal to the Area Chair for the course. This appeal must include the following and be submitted before the last day of classes for the following semester:

    • Evidence of prior communication with the faculty about the appeal

    • A clear and detailed explanation of the appeal, including contextual information

    • Any supporting documentation 

  2. Review by Area Chair: If the appeal has merit, the Area Chair will notify the relevant committee. The Area Chair, in collaboration with the committee chairperson, will appoint a three-person grade appeal committee. If the instructor is no longer with the university, the Area Chair will appoint a faculty surrogate. [Learn More about Costello College of Business Academic Areas

  3. Grade Appeal Committee Actions:

    1. The committee will request relevant documentation from both the student and the faculty member.

    2. Either the student or faculty member may request that one committee member be replaced by another faculty representative.

    3. The committee will schedule a hearing, where both parties present their cases separately.

  4. Committee Recommendation: After the hearing, the grade appeal committee will provide a written recommendation to the Area Chair, explaining the rationale behind its findings. Copies of the recommendation will also be sent to the faculty member and Dean (or designee). The faculty member will have the opportunity to implement any recommended actions. 

  5. Further Action: If the issue remains unresolved, the Area Chair will review the committee’s recommendation and make a further recommendation to the Dean (or designee). The Dean's decision will be final and not open to further appeal. If a grade change is deemed necessary and the faculty member declines to implement it, the Dean (or designee) may instruct the Office of the University Registrar to process the change. 

Important Notes: 

  • The Costello College of Business Office of Student Success and Academic Services does not handle grade changes or appeals. All appeals are managed through the Area Chair and academic department. 

  • For courses taught outside the Costello College of Business, students must contact the appropriate department or school for their grade appeal procedures. 

Grievances and Complaints

Undergraduate Costello College of Business students can submit formal complaints regarding faculty members or academic advisors using the appropriate grievance forms. Complaints should be submitted electronically along with any supporting documentation. All complaints will be thoroughly investigated and reviewed by the respective department chairs. 

Faculty Grievances: 

  • In cases of grievances involving faculty, students are encouraged to first attempt to resolve the issue directly with the faculty member. If the issue cannot be resolved through direct communication, the student may submit a Faculty Complaint Form. The form should include a description of the nature of the complaint and any relevant documentation. 

Academic Advising Complaints: 

  • For complaints related to Business Academic Advisors, students can submit an Academic Advising Complaint Form and should include any supporting documentation. 

Independent Study

To register for an independent study (a 499 course in ACCT, FNAN, MGMT, MIS, MKTG, or OSCM), students must be majoring in the Costello College of Business. 

Step 1: Identify a Faculty Sponsor 

Students must first discuss the possibility of an independent study project with a faculty member from the Costello College of Business who will serve as the course sponsor. It is strongly recommended that the faculty member be one from whom the student has previously taken a course in which they completed a serious research paper. This helps determine if the faculty member is willing to guide the independent study. 

Step 2: Prepare the Proposal 

Approval for an independent study requires the student to create a detailed proposal outlining the project. The proposal should include the following elements: 

  • Suggested Title 

  • Nature of the Problem 

  • Review of the Literature 

  • Scope, Objectives, and Limitations 

  • Research Procedure and Data Sources 

  • Tentative Outline 

As a general guideline, students should expect to spend 10-25 hours developing a viable proposal. The proposal should be completed before the beginning of the semester. 

Step 3: Submit for Approval 

The proposal, signed by both the student and the faculty sponsor, must be submitted to the Office of Student Success and Academic Services at busreqst@gmu.edu for review by the Senior Director of Undergraduate Academic and Student Affairs. 

Additional Information 

  • A 3-credit independent study project requires 100-150 hours of work. 

  • Independent study courses cannot replace required core courses within the Costello College of Business. 

Once the proposal is approved, a copy should be provided to the faculty sponsor. 

Late Schedule Adjustment

All schedule adjustments must be made by the final add deadline of the semester, as indicated in Mason’s Academic Calendar. Any changes made after this deadline requires approval by the Costello College of Business. Please note that the timelines outlined below do not apply during the summer semester. The summer term consists of several sessions, each with its own registration deadlines. For detailed deadlines, please refer to the Academic Calendar

Late Add  

  • The last day to add a course is eight calendar days after the first day of classes. 
  • After this university deadline, students must submit a Late Schedule Adjustment form for review. 

Late Add Requests Will Not Be Approved For

  • Fall and Spring Semesters: Late Add requests after the second week of classes will be automatically denied. 
  • Summer Term: Late Add requests after the first week of classes will be automatically denied. 
  • Closed Course Sections: Late Add requests can only be made for courses with available seating, which can be checked on Patriot Web. 
  • Reserved/Restricted Course Sections: Students cannot be added to sections reserved for specific populations. These sections are marked in Patriot Web. 
  • Third Attempts/At-Risk of Termination: Late Add requests for a third attempt of any Business course will be automatically denied. 

Important Notices for Students

  • All Late Add requests must be submitted via the Late Schedule Adjustment form on the Office of the Registrar’s website
  • The Late Add process is an appeal of the university's registration deadline, and proper justification and documentation are required. Approval is not guaranteed. 
  • Justification should explain why the student could not register by the deadline and provide evidence of any circumstances preventing timely registration. 
  • Late Add requests will not be approved based on personal preference, and students may not request more than one section of the same course at a time. 
  • To be eligible for a Late Add, students must be actively attending the course they wish to add and meet with a Business Academic Advisor to review the process. 
  • Requesting permission from the course instructor alone does not count as approval

Agreement and Responsibility

By submitting a Late Add request, students agree to be bound by the final decision. If approved, the student will be added to the course, assuming responsibility for any related tuition fees and committing to complete all required coursework, including any missed assignments.  

Late Add requests are appeals to the registration deadline, and approval is not guaranteed. Both faculty and the Office of Student Success and Academic Services carefully review these requests to ensure academic success. 



Mason Online Registration Policy

Students enrolled in the Mason Online degree pathway within the Costello College of Business can add and drop classes independently. However, they also have the option to receive assistance from an academic advisor in registering for reserved seats in some sections of online business courses. These limited seats are reserved to help give our MOL students the highest probability of getting into an online section of a course. Advisor-assisted registration is not guaranteed and depends on the following factors: MOL classification, a clear record with no registration holds, course availability, and the student's timely response to advisor outreach.  

Important Notes: 

  • We reserve these seats and register MOL students into these sections as a courtesy, not a guarantee, to help with the initial registration process.  
  • Advisors will not register a student for an online business course without prior communication with the student. 
  • While we do reserve some seats, we are not able to guarantee specific sections/professors/etc. (i.e. We may be able to get you into MIS 303 DL1 but not MIS 303 DL2). 
  • There are no guarantees of the availability of these seats as they are used by students on a real time basis and require adjustments based on a variety of factors.  (i.e. If you ask for a seat today in MIS 303 DL1 but we used the last saved seat yesterday, this means we are out of seats and you will need to add to the waitlist where applicable.) 
  • We are not able to reserve seats for non-business courses. 
  • Professor assignments may change at any time before the semester begins.  
  • If students register themselves or are registered by an advisor and wish to make any changes to their registration, they are responsible for making those changes independently. The Costello College of Business is not able to accommodate any changes to a student’s registration and MOL students must make any changes to their registration on their own. 

Minimum Computing Requirements

All undergraduate students in the Costello College of Business are required to have access to a portable computing device that meets the minimum standards specified by the College. Students should review the Minimum Computing Requirements for the current academic year thoroughly. These requirements are reviewed annually, but as technology evolves rapidly, they may change during your time at the Costello College of Business.  

Students must bring their laptops to class if requested by the instructor. Please note that phones are not acceptable substitutes for laptops, and a keyboard is required. 

Inclusion in Estimated Cost of Attendance 
The cost of a computer can be included in the student’s estimated cost of attendance. This can only be done once during a student's academic program. To include this in the cost of attendance, students must provide a copy of their computer purchase receipt or order and submit it to their assigned Financial Aid Counselor via email. For contact information, visit GMU Financial Aid Contact Page

Non-Degree Student Enrollment in Business Courses

The Costello College of Business welcomes non-degree students to enroll in undergraduate business courses, provided they have met the course prerequisites and space is available. For more information, please refer to the Non-Degree Admissions page for Non-Degree student processes, deadlines, and additional details. 

Enrollment Process for Business Courses 

To be considered for enrollment in business courses, non-degree students must: 

  1. Be admitted to George Mason University (GMU) as a non-degree student. 
  2. Complete the Non-Degree Registration Request form
  3. Submit the completed form and their transcripts (official or unofficial) to busreqst@gmu.edu for review. 

Review and Notification 

The Office of Student Success and Academic Services reviews non-degree course requests approximately one week before classes begin. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for semester start dates. Non-degree students will be notified by email whether their request is approved. If approved, students can register for approved courses via Patriot Web. Please note that non-degree students must register themselves and are not automatically added to courses; approval to register does not guarantee seat availability in any specific course and/or section. 

Permission to Take Classes During Suspension

As outlined in AP.1.4.2 Permission to Study Elsewhere and the Office of the Registrar, students are not permitted to take classes at other institutions during their suspension period. Any credits earned during this time at other colleges, whether for academic or nonacademic reasons, will not be accepted toward their degree program at George Mason University. Suspension periods are designed to help students address personal or academic challenges and to develop a plan for returning to their studies in the strongest possible position. 

Requesting Permission to Take Classes During Suspension 

In cases where documented extenuating circumstances affected a student's performance, the student may appeal to the Office of Student Success and Academic Services for permission to take courses while on suspension. To submit an appeal, students must provide the following to busreqst@gmu.edu

  1. Written Statement: A detailed letter explaining why the student should be allowed to take classes while on suspension. This statement should include an explanation of what happened, what has changed since the suspension, and what support services have been utilized, if any. 

  1. Supporting Documentation: All third-party, verifiable documentation that supports the student's written statement. Documentation will remain confidential and will not be shared with other offices or external parties. 

Deadlines and Review 

Requests must be submitted before the first day of classes for the intended semester. Any requests received after the semester begins will be automatically denied. Each request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis and encourage students to provide as much information as possible to support their case.   

With that said, such requests are considered an appeal to academic policy and are rarely approved. The decision to grant permission is made carefully, considering the student's best interests and their chances for future success. Suspension periods are intended to give students time to reflect on their challenges and to prepare for a successful return to their studies.   

If approved, students will be required to participate in the Return to Success intervention program and meet all program requirements. 



It is recommended that all George Mason University students familiarize themselves with the University Course Catalog to locate their designated program and courses. The catalog provides detailed course descriptions, enrollment restrictions, and prerequisites, which are essential for planning academic progress. 

The Costello College of Business curriculum is designed to meet the accreditation standards of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and to help students develop foundational knowledge in each subject before advancing to more complex courses. As part of this structured approach, students are not allowed to enroll concurrently (co-requisite) in courses that require a prerequisite. 

It is the student's responsibility to ensure that all prerequisites for a course are met before registration. If you have questions about prerequisites or your course schedule, we encourage you to meet with a Business Academic Advisor. You can set up an appointment or visit during drop-in hours for assistance

Examples of Common Prerequisites  

  • ACCT 303 and FNAN 303: You must complete MATH 108, ACCT 203, and BUS 210 prior to registering for these courses. Additionally, you must have at least 30 earned credits. 

  • BUS 303: You must complete BUS 103 and have at least 30 earned credits before registering for this course. If you have a waiver for BUS 103, please contact your academic advisor for a registration override. 

  • OSCM 303 and BUS 310: You must complete BUS 210 before registering for this course. 

  • MGMT 303, MKTG 303, MIS 303, BULE 303: You must have at least 30 earned credits before registering for these courses. 

  • ENGH 302: You must complete ENGH 100/101 and a Literature course before registering for ENGH 302

  • BUS 498 and MKTG 471: You must have at least 90 earned credit hours before registering for these courses. 

  • This is not a complete list of prerequisites for all Business courses and students should always consult the catalog to clarify requirements in advance of registration. 

Study Elsewhere

Once a student accepts an offer of admission to George Mason University, they are expected to complete all courses at Mason. If students experience challenges with enrollment, course options, or scheduling, it is highly recommended to consult with an Costello College of Business Academic Advisor to explore available options. Students must submit the Study Elsewhere form found on the Registrar’s forms page.

Conditions for Taking Courses Elsewhere 

Students may be permitted to take courses at other institutions under extenuating circumstances only. Acceptable reasons for studying elsewhere do not include: 

  • Scheduling convenience 
  • Commuting convenience 
  • Financial reasons (e.g., lower cost) 
  • Preference for a specific subject or instructor 

Study Elsewhere is intended as an exception when a course is not offered, preventing a degree requirement from being met at Mason. It is not intended to offset course loads or financial costs. A course that is offered but has closed course sections for a given semester is not an accepted reason for Study Elsewhere.   

Approval Process for Study Elsewhere 

Before enrolling in courses at another institution, students must submit a written request and receive pre-approval. Failure to obtain pre-approval will result in the denial of transfer credit for courses taken elsewhere. The approval process also applies to courses taken through the Consortium. 

Students are not allowed to retroactively seek approval for courses taken at another institution, nor will courses be transferred if taken during an academic suspension from Mason. 

The Request to Study Elsewhere form must go through the following approval levels: 

  1. Business Academic Advisor: The student’s Business Academic Advisor must approve the request. 
  2. Major Program/Department: Approval must be obtained from the student’s program or department. 
  3. Course Department: The department offering the Mason equivalent course must approve the request (e.g., the Math department for a MATH 108 request). 

Study Elsewhere Deadlines: 

  • Fall Semester: August 1 
  • Spring Semester: January 2 
  • Summer Semester: May 1  

Additional Information and Limitations

  • Departmental Approval: Each department at Mason has its own policies and guidelines for approving Study Elsewhere requests and final approval rests with the department offering the course. 
  • Credit Limitations: Undergraduate students are limited to 9 credit hours they can take in Costello College of Business disciplines from other institutions.
    • Accreditation Requirement: Courses taken at other institutions must be from accredited institutions. For courses fulfilling major or graduate requirements, they must be taken at institutions accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). 
  • Two-Year Institution Limitations: Courses taken at two-year institutions cannot fulfill upper-level requirements (300-level and above). 
  • Writing Intensive Courses: Courses that fulfill the Writing Intensive requirement for the degree (e.g., MKTG 471) will not be approved for Study Elsewhere under any circumstances. 
  • Pre-Approval: Submitted pre-approval is required for all Study Elsewhere requests. Courses taken without pre-approval will not transfer to Mason. 
  • Course Requirements: Students must meet all Mason course prerequisites and requirements (e.g., class level, successful completion of prerequisites). 
  •  No Convenience-Based Requests: Study Elsewhere requests based on convenience or expense will not be granted. 
  • Academic Suspension: Students on academic suspension are not permitted to study elsewhere. 
  • CLEP Exams: Current Mason students with declared majors in the Costello College of Business may not receive credit for CLEP exams. 

Termination from Costello College of Business

All courses within the Costello College of Business are limited to three graded attempts. Students have three opportunities to earn a grade of C or higher (or B- or higher in some cases) to successfully complete the course. Please note that the most recent attempt is what counts as the standing grade and dropped or withdrawn courses do not count as attempts. 

Registration for Third Attempts of Business Courses  

When students attempt to register for their third attempt, they will encounter a registration error stating: “Repeat hours exceeded 6.” To avoid this error, students must meet with their Business Academic Advisor before attempting to register for their third attempt. The advisor will review the termination policy with the student and provide the necessary override to allow registration. 

Failure to Complete Course After Three Attempts 

If a student does not successfully complete a course in three attempts with a grade of C or higher, the following actions will occur: 

  • Business Foundations or Core Courses: If a student fails to complete a Business Foundations or Core course within three attempts, they will be terminated from the Costello College of Business and will need to change their major to a program outside of the College of Business. 

  • Concentration Courses: If a student fails to complete a Concentration course within three attempts, they will no longer be eligible for that specific concentration. A hold will be placed on their account, and they will need to meet with a Business Academic Advisor to change their concentration to another program within the College of Business. 

Termination Appeals 

Terminations from the College of Business are considered final. Appeals to this policy are taken seriously and are reviewed carefully. The Office of Student Success and Academic Services provides multiple opportunities to ensure that students are aware of the termination policy and receive ample support to avoid being terminated, including the following steps: 

  • Completion of the College of Business orientation 

  • Outreach following the first unsuccessful attempt, including a follow-up meeting with a Business Academic Advisor 

  • Registration restrictions placed after the second unsuccessful attempt 

  • Mandatory advising meetings to discuss strategies for success 

  • Follow-up communication regarding the termination policy, drop deadlines, and selective withdrawal policies 

Submitting an Appeal 

If a student wishes to appeal a termination, they must demonstrate why they should be considered an exception to the policy. The appeal must include: 

  • Detailed explanation of what occurred during the semester (after the drop and selective withdrawal deadlines) that prevented successful course completion; students must address extenuating circumstances that impacted their ability to complete the course/s in all three attempts 

  • Substantial documented evidence from verifiable third-party sources (medical provider, employer, etc.) supporting the explanation. Any confidential information will be reviewed by the Director of Undergraduate Academic Services for the sole purpose of the appeal and will not be shared with other offices or personnel. 

Appeals are rarely granted and are typically only considered in cases of severe medical emergencies that occur after the selective withdrawal deadline, which affected the student’s ability to complete ALL courses, including the course in question. 

Appeal Deadline 

  • Completed Termination Appeals must be submitted by the degree conferral date in the semester in which the termination occurred. 

  • If unforeseen circumstances prevented the student from submitting the appeal by the deadline, an essay must be provided, explaining why the appeal is late and what occurred that prevented the student from meeting the deadline. Late appeals received that do not include this additional explanation will not be considered. 


Transfer Credits and Re-evaluation of Prior Credits

Accreditation and Course Credit 

George Mason University's Costello College of Business is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). As such, students may only receive major course credit for Business courses taken at institutions that have AACSB and/or EQUIS accreditation and where the student earns a grade of C or better. 

Transfer Credit Policy 

  • Ten Years Old or More: Transfer credits completed more than ten years prior to Mason enrollment or re-enrollment cannot be awarded for any College of Business courses. 
  • No Waivers for Credit Requirements: The College of Business does not waive credit requirements for any courses. 
  • CLEP Exams: Current College of Business students are not eligible to receive credit for CLEP exams. Transfer credit for CLEP exams is only accepted for new students applying for CLEP exams taken prior to admission to the University and will be evaluated by The Office of Admissions. Current students with questions about prior CLEP credit should contact their Business Academic Advisor. 

Lower-Level Courses: Courses completed at a lower level (below 300 level) cannot be transferred for upper-level credit but may be awarded as elective credit if deemed equivalent. 

  • Community College Courses: Courses from community colleges are typically not eligible for upper-level credit unless evaluated as elective credit. These institutions are not accredited by AACSB or EQUIS

Virginia Community College System (VCCS) Course Transfers 

All VCCS courses have been evaluated for transfer equivalency at George Mason University and can be found in the Transfer Credit Matrix. This matrix is a valuable tool for identifying courses that have been pre-approved for transfer and are considered universally equivalent at Mason. It is important to note that the matrix may not include all colleges and schools. 

Transfer Credit Inquiry 

If a course does not appear on your transfer evaluation, you may complete the Transfer Credit Inquiry Form and submit it either to the Enrollment Central Desk (SUB I, lower level) or via email to admissions@gmu.edu

Re-evaluation of Transfer Credits 

If a student believes that a course they have taken is equivalent to a College of Business course, but it is not reflected accurately on their transfer evaluation, they may request a re-evaluation for transfer credit. 

  • Re-evaluation of Non-Business Courses: For non-Business courses, students should meet with the appropriate department to determine course equivalency. 
  • Submission Deadline: All re-evaluations must be submitted within the student’s first academic year at George Mason University.   
  • Minimum Grade Requirement: Only courses in which a student earned a grade of C or better will be eligible for transfer credit. 
  • Processing Time: The process of re-evaluating courses will take approximately 2-3 weeks

How to Submit for Re-evaluation 

Students requesting re-evaluation must submit the following materials to busreqst@gmu.edu

  1. Transfer Credit Re-evaluation Appeal Form 
  • The form must be fully completed, including all relevant institution/s and course information on the first page. Incomplete forms or forms missing pages will not be accepted. 
  1. Course Syllabus/Description from the Host Institution 
  • The course syllabus must be provided on the host institution’s letterhead or retrieved from the institution’s official catalog or website. 
  • A textbook is not a substitute for the official syllabus.
  • The syllabus/description will be compared to the course description in the Mason catalog to determine course equivalency. 

Important Notes on Re-evaluations 

  • Credit Hours: The credit hours for the course at the host institution must equal the number of credit hours at George Mason University. 
  • Combining Courses: A maximum of two courses from the same institution may be combined to fulfill one Mason course and one elective. 
  • Syllabus/Course Description Requirement: At a minimum, a verifiable course description is required; however, students are encouraged to provide a course syllabus to ensure the most efficient review and determination of equivalency. 

Withdrawal (Non-Academic)

If a student finds that they need to withdraw from their course/s for a non-academic reason after all the drop and withdrawal periods have closed, they may submit for a Late/Retroactive non-academic withdrawal. A late non-academic withdrawal applies to the current semester while classes are still in session while a retroactive non-academic withdrawal applies after the last day of current semester classes/for previous semesters. 

Non-academic withdrawals are considered appeals to the George Mason University policy and are reviewed carefully by the Office of Student Success and Academic Services. Non-academic withdrawals may be considered when there are extreme unforeseen and serious medical/mental health circumstances outside of the student’s control which prevented the student from dropping by the drop and selective withdrawal deadlines and/or attending all classes and completing the requirements. 

Late/Retroactive Withdrawals are NOT approved for the following cases

  • Academic Reasons/Personal Preference: Students cannot request a withdrawal for reasons such as having an unsatisfactory grade or to avoid being terminated from the Costello College of Business or their specific concentration program. Students cannot request a withdrawal based on faculty member preference or time preference.
  • Academic Standards/Student Conduct Violations: Students cannot request a withdrawal while having active violations on record.
  • Reversal of Student’s Enrollment Choices: Students are responsible for their course registration and for all courses in which they remain officially enrolled after the drop period has ended.
  • After Graduation: Withdrawals are not allowed for courses that have been applied to a completed degree. Once the degree has been conferred and the student has graduated, the transcript is sealed and not subject to alteration. 

Non-academic withdrawals are considered if the student experienced an extreme unforeseen medical/mental health or other emergency that prevented the student from dropping by the drop and selective withdrawal deadlines AND prevented the student from attending and completing assignments for the course/s. Students will need to provide verifiable, third-party documentation with the request. Such documentation is required of all students submitting requests to ensure equity and fairness. 

Withdrawals are typically allowed only for full semesters at a time (i.e., students must withdraw from all courses in the semester requested), unless the student is able to provide evidence and documentation of how the circumstance/s only impact the one course. 

Exceptional circumstances include - but are not limited to: 

  1. Medical & Mental Health Circumstances - Requests for withdrawals due to severe medical and mental health circumstances must be supported by relevant, dated, and signed medical documentation. The documentation must show a substantial medical change that arose unexpectedly after the drop AND selective withdrawal period has ended. If a student is seeking a partial withdrawal, the student must provide documented medical support of why the condition has only affected that one course (or courses) specifically and why it is not affecting the other courses. Otherwise, only a full withdrawal from all courses in a semester will be considered. If the medical condition occurred after the drop and selective withdrawal deadline, the documentation must provide evidence of what prevented the student from attending class and completing assignments. 
  2. Employment - Requests for withdrawals due to increased or more stressful work-related reasons, including conferences and travel, are not considered valid. Only unanticipated and unavoidable changes in employment (for example company headquarters relocating out-of- state or a military or other deployment) that occur after the drop date and selective withdrawal deadline and which result in a direct scheduling conflict with all courses will be considered. These requests must be documented by the employer on company letterhead. An increased or more stressful workload is not considered a valid reason to request a withdrawal (see the University Catalog under "Academic Load"). NOTE: No course may be dropped for work reasons after 12 weeks or 4/5 of the term have passed. 
  3. Other Extenuating Circumstances – Withdrawal requests for other types of extenuating circumstances may be considered. The student should describe the issue, and provide any third- party documentation that would corroborate the reason for the request. 

Requesting a Non-Academic Withdrawal 

  1. Review the above guide and deadlines for non-academic withdrawals:
    • Completed requests must be submitted by the degree conferral date in the semester in which the withdrawal is requested.
    • Late requests, with supporting essay of what prevented the student from submitted the request by the degree conferral date, will be considered within three weeks of the degree conferral date deadline.
    • Requests submitted after three weeks of the degree conferral date deadline will automatically be denied, unless the student has verifiable documentation that extreme circumstances prevented them from meeting this deadline. 
  2. Meet with a Business Academic Advisor to discuss the situation; we recommend that students do not wait until the end of the semester or further to discuss the possibility of withdrawals and they are free to meet with any of our advisors via appointment, drop-ins and email. 
  3. All non-academic withdrawals require the following:
    • The Late/Retroactive Withdrawal Request Form
    • A written statement explains why you want/need to withdraw from your course(s); this would include extenuating circumstances and include a relevant timeline of dates of events which prevented you from either dropping or withdrawing from your course(s) by the semester deadlines.
    • All supporting documentation should also be included. Only written materials and verifiable, third-party documentation can be used to reach a decision. 
  4. Submit your completed request with supporting documentation to busreqst@gmu.edu; incomplete requests will be automatically denied after 30 days. 

While requests are being reviewed, we recommend that students continue attending all classes in which they are officially enrolled and complete the required coursework unless they have received written approval that their withdrawal request was approved. If permission is granted, they will need to confirm that there are no holds on their record for the withdrawal to be processed. If denied, the student will receive an email notification regarding reasoning for denial and present the opportunity to appeal based on what areas need to be addressed or clarified. 

If granted a withdrawal, it will result in a "W" on your permanent record. These non-academic withdrawals do not count towards your allowed selective withdrawals or towards the Costello College of Business Termination Policies. Non-academic withdrawals do count towards attempted hours and may impact GPA and standing. Non-academic withdrawals are also not subject to tuition reimbursement; students are required to work with the Office of Student Accounts regarding tuition and fees. 

Withdrawal (Unrestricted and Selective)

Dropping a Course vs. Withdrawal  

Each semester has a designated window for dropping courses. It is important for students to understand the differences between dropping a course and withdrawing from one. 

Dropping a Course: If a student drops a course before the Last Day to Drop, the course will not count as an "attempt" and will not appear on the transcript. There are two key deadlines for dropping courses, each with different tuition refund rates:

100% tuition refund if dropped before the full tuition deadline. 

50% tuition refund if dropped before the partial tuition deadline. 

Students are responsible for all courses they remain officially enrolled in after the drop period, including any applicable tuition costs. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for all registration dates and deadlines. 

Withdrawal Periods: After the "Last Day to Drop," the University enters the Withdrawal period. Unlike a course drop, a withdrawal remains on the student's academic transcript as a "W" for the semester. 

  1. Unrestricted Withdrawal: This period opens after the Last Day to Drop. During this time, students can withdraw from their courses through the Patriot Web system without requiring approval. 
  2. Selective Withdrawal: This period opens after the Unrestricted Withdrawal period ends. Undergraduate students in degree programs can withdraw from a limited number of courses (with full tuition liability) at their discretion. 

Important: Students are allowed a maximum of three selective withdrawals during their entire undergraduate career at Mason. 

Selective Withdrawals must be submitted through the Selective Withdrawal Form found on the Registrar's website

Key Reminders

Always consult the Academic Calendar for specific registration deadlines. 

It is the student’s responsibility to add, drop, or withdraw from courses within the provided timeframes each semester.